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Furniture Damages and Their Causes: A Definite Summary

Hate to throw away your furniture? You don't have to if you know about furniture's fatal damages and their causes right from here.

Do you know how much furniture is thrown away each year in the US? According to the New York Times, over 12 million tons of furniture are thrown out by Americans each year. Many people claim that the furniture they dispose of lacks quality and fashion.

However, even high-quality furniture could face such a destiny. The reason? Like all the appliances in our homes, furniture can be vulnerable to damage over time and careless use. To avoid throwing your once-favorite furniture out of your home, you need to learn about all the potential damages that can ruin your furniture, and what causes them to happen.

Cover Photo by Lina Castaneda on Unsplash

Here are the top 10 damages your furniture can face over time.

1. Scratches on furniture surfaces

Apparently, scratches occur when a hard object comes into contact with the furniture surface, causing abrasion or removal of the material. For example, if one of the metal buckles on your belt scrapes against your wooden dining table, you can expect a scratch on the wood.


A wooden table scratched by a piece of metal, Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Scratches can mar the appearance of furniture, making it look worn or damaged. They can also weaken or totally remove the protective finish and expose the underlying material. As a result, your furniture becomes vulnerable to further damage.


2. Stains on furniture surfaces

When a liquid or substance penetrates the surface of the furniture, it causes discoloration by reacting with or getting absorbed into the material. That discoloration turns out to be the stains that we see. You must have seen cola or wine spilled on a fabric sofa.


A table stained by paints, Photo by Murat on Unsplash

Stains can significantly impact the appearance of furniture because of the visible marks that are difficult to remove. Even if you can wash away the colors, they may also weaken the fabric or surface material, and compromise its integrity and durability.


3. Color fade and discoloration on furniture

Not all discolorations are stains from liquids. Sunlight can sometimes cause similar damage to your furniture. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight causes the pigments in furniture materials to break down or change. The color will usually fade away as a result.


Discolored bench, window, and door, Photo by Henri Picot on Unsplash

This is most common in outdoor furniture, like an outdoor sofa. After a long period in the sun, the original colors tend to get plain. Of course, this is not always the case. You can use Polyurethane to cover your outdoor sofa, apply sun spray on it, or simply buy high-quality outdoor furniture from Homary.


Fading or discoloration can alter the original appearance of furniture, and make it look dull or uneven. It can also weaken certain materials, such as fabric or leather, causing them to become more prone to tears or cracks.


4. Wear and tear of furniture

In daily life, the continuous use and friction of furniture will gradually wear down its surface or components. For example, if you frequently open and close drawers, both the sides and the tracks could face wearing problems.


A drawer with a worn tray, Photo by Ksenia Makagonova on Unsplash

Wear and tear affect both the appearance and functionality of furniture. It can lead to visible signs of use like scuffs or dents, as well as impact structural integrity. That often means loose joints or compromised stability. If you are concerned with wear and tear, you can get free tips on how to keep your furniture in good condition. Just click here and subscribe to our newsletter.


5. Loose joints or wobbly parts of furniture

It is generally considered inevitable damage. Over time, the constant stress, movement, and weight applied to furniture will cause the joints, screws, or connectors to loosen. Or as we put it, proof of use. For instance, your chair's legs will sometimes become wobbly due to loose screws.

Old chairs are beautiful too, Photo by Muhittin Kubat on Unsplash

Loose joints or wobbly parts can affect the stability and safety of furniture, potentially leading to accidents or further damage. They may also result in uncomfortable and even dangerous seating. Be sure to check often, and pay attention to the squeaks of your chairs.

6. Upholstery damage

Unlike scratches on furniture surfaces, damage to upholsteries comes more often. Sharp objects, friction, or even pet claws can cause damage to upholstery in daily life. They can easily tear or weaken the fabric or leather covering your furniture.

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Upholstery damage affects the appearance of furniture, leaving visible tears or fraying. It can also impact the comfort and functionality of the piece, as damaged upholstery may be uncomfortable to sit or lie on.


It is important to keep sharp subjects from cutting your upholstered furniture. It's also recommended that you use extra protective covers or reupholster your furniture regularly to ensure your experience with it.


7. Water damage that leads to swelled wood furniture

A less common but more destructive kind of damage is water damage. When water seeps into furniture, it can cause wood to warp, swell, or develop mold and mildew. It can also stain or weaken upholstery fabrics if not properly dealt with.


A swelled piece of wood, Photo by Bruno Ramos Lara on Unsplash

For example, if a pipe in the kitchen or bathroom accidentally leaks, the water can do damage to a wooden cabinet near it. Water damage can significantly impact both the appearance and durability of the furniture. Warped or swollen wood may affect structural integrity, while mold and mildew can compromise the health and safety of the piece.


8. Heat damage to tables

My mom always tells me not to put a heated pot on our dining table, as placing hot objects directly on furniture can transfer heat, causing burns or discoloration on the surface material. I still can see the burn mark I left on my wooden dining table with a steak pan.

I used to do this. Sorry, Mom. Photo by Artur Rutkowski on Unsplash

Heat damage can lead to visible burn marks or discoloration on furniture surfaces and affect its appearance. Moreover, it can also weaken the protective finishes or coatings, making the furniture more susceptible to further damage.


9. Mold and mildew of furniture

Mold and mildew are one of the consequences of water damage. They thrive in humid or damp conditions when organic materials, such as wood or fabric, are exposed to moisture for extended periods. Such conditions provide a suitable environment for mold and mildew growth in furniture like a wooden bookshelf.

Mold and mildew not only have a negative impact on the appearance of furniture but also pose health risks. They can cause unpleasant odors or stains, or deteriorate the material. A large amount of mold and mildew are a threat to the structure of the furniture as well.

Kitchen shelves are vulnerable to mold and mildew, Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

To prevent mold and mildew from happening, you can clean up water frequently. Or you can save the effort and choose bathroom vanities that are designed for humid environments.

10. Insect infestation of furniture

Certain insects, such as termites or beetles, feed on wood. They will impose damage on furniture by burrowing into the furniture and weakening its structure. If you live in the tropics, termites must be a concern for your wooden furniture.

Wood bugs can damage furniture, Photo by Mathieu Turle on Unsplash

Insect infestation can lead to severe damage to wooden furniture, compromising its strength and stability. It may result in structural failure or the need for extensive repairs or replacements. Always seek help from your local pest control companies, or ask a professional furniture company like Homary for suggestions.

There are more types of damage to your furniture from both daily use and the environment. If you are worried, don't be. Homary has all the information you need to choose the best furniture for your home, from a vanity table to an office desk. Sign up for our newsletter for furniture knowledge and limited-time offers before anyone does.
